Friday, September 11, 2009

Baseline - Draft #3 (revision part 2)

Today, you will complete your second and third drafts for your original baseline piece. When you have completed your second draft (a second draft should be about 50% longer than the original -- see instructions below) please begin work on your third draft. Try to finish your third draft by the end of class.

--Make sure you label and save your draft as DRAFT THREE.
--Make sure you SAVE your second draft.
--Never throw away a draft!

Third Draft: Cut. Cut about 1/4 or 25% (or more) of your second draft. Remove tired, boring language. Juice up your verbs by making them active. Cut redundant or obvious words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs. Cut stuff that doesn't make sense, is boring, or not important to the overall story.

By the third draft you should have a story with a beginning, middle, end. Even poems have a beginning, middle, end. You want to keep this beginning, middle, end in tact somewhat, but at the end of your third draft you should have trimmed the fat.

Finally, proofread your third draft. Correct grammar and spelling errors. Make your writing concise and clear! Give your work a title, if you haven't done so yet.

Print out your third draft, attach it to your second draft and your first draft. Make sure all drafts are labeled and titled. Turn in your drafts as the "workshop" draft for this exercise. Students will see this third draft in a workshop next week.

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About this course!

This course stresses understanding the characteristics & techniques in the literary genres of fiction, poetry, and dramatic writing. This course will continue to build on students’ reading and writing skills begun in previous creative writing classes. Readings and discussions of works by major writers in the field will be examined as inspiration and models of fine writing. This educational blog is designed for the use of the students at the School of the Arts in Rochester, NY.