Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You

This afternoon, let's read the play "Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You" by Christopher Durang. If we finish reading in class, time will be provided to continue reading and commenting on your scenes in your workshop groups.

HOMEWORK: Complete the reading of this play. To turn in Thursday, please examine the play for its effective use of the following literary terms/techniques: theme, message/moral, characterization, setting, premise, and plot. Explain how the author effectively uses these ideas in his play. Also, study for any exams you have coming up.

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About this course!

This course stresses understanding the characteristics & techniques in the literary genres of fiction, poetry, and dramatic writing. This course will continue to build on students’ reading and writing skills begun in previous creative writing classes. Readings and discussions of works by major writers in the field will be examined as inspiration and models of fine writing. This educational blog is designed for the use of the students at the School of the Arts in Rochester, NY.