Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Poetry Portfolio

Please collect your poem drafts in your portfolio. Spend the first half of today's class gathering your poems together, revising them by adding sound devices, imagery, figurative language, sharpening diction, adding tone, creating a persona and/or voice, creating patterns using line or meter or stanza forms, and, otherwise, IMPROVING or CRAFTING your poetry.

What COULD you have in your portfolio?

00.03: Brainstorming techniques (if you wrote a poem or story/scene) please print this out and collect it in your portfolio.
00.05: Enemies of the Artistic Process (a letter--that could be changed into a poem addressing one of your creative writing enemies)
00.09: Persona & Mask poem
01.00: Ars Poetica poem
01.01: Voice poem
01.03: Theme & Message poem
01.06: Mary Oliver (Diction chapter ?'s) poem draft
01.08: Sound device poem draft
Any SECOND draft from assignment 01.05 or 01.07.
Any poem written in your journal during our nature walks
Any poem written for any other class
Any poem written just because you wrote it this year

RUBRIC: Poetry Portfolio

  • A: Awesome! You have more than TEN poems collected in your portfolio.
  • B: Brilliant! You have 5-10 poems collected in your portfolio.
  • C: Average! You have 3-4 poems collected in your portfolio.
  • D: Below average! You have fewer than 3 poems in your portfolio.


  • A: Amazing! You have applied various poetry techniques learned in class to your second draft, overall making the poems stronger, more universal, more artistic, and overall excellent work!
  • B: Better! You have applied some poetry techniques and strengthened your poem drafts, but poems may need some more work to make them amazing. Overall, good job!
  • C: Constructive! You have improved your drafts, but may not be utilizing poetry techniques effectively, or your work is lacking something that would make the draft better. Your work was created, you did the assignment and will get average credit like an average student. Not bad.
  • D: Developing! You have poems in your portfolio but many of them have not been revised or improved. If you had the time or inclination you probably would have been more constructive. You threw some words together like a passionate writer, but your work is either careless or lacking focus, making your work developing. Okay.

During the second half of class today, please form two sharing groups and spend some time reading and sharing your work. When the group has finished sharing, please come back to the lab and either begin Module 2: Fiction, or continue preparing and working on your poetry portfolio.


HOMEWORK: None. Prepare your portfolio and turn it in.

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About this course!

This course stresses understanding the characteristics & techniques in the literary genres of fiction, poetry, and dramatic writing. This course will continue to build on students’ reading and writing skills begun in previous creative writing classes. Readings and discussions of works by major writers in the field will be examined as inspiration and models of fine writing. This educational blog is designed for the use of the students at the School of the Arts in Rochester, NY.