Sunday, June 9, 2013

Portfolios & Last Class

Please prepare and complete your portfolios this morning. Everything missing should be turned in by the end of class today. Please save any files on a jumpdrive or by emailing yourself that you want to keep as our computers will be wiped this summer. Any personal files kept on the computers will be removed.

Have a nice summer and good luck on your finals!

If you have completed your work, here are a few gaming sites to enjoy:

Addicting Games
Free Online Games

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About this course!

This course stresses understanding the characteristics & techniques in the literary genres of fiction, poetry, and dramatic writing. This course will continue to build on students’ reading and writing skills begun in previous creative writing classes. Readings and discussions of works by major writers in the field will be examined as inspiration and models of fine writing. This educational blog is designed for the use of the students at the School of the Arts in Rochester, NY.