After screening Annie Hall, please complete the following:
HOMEWORK: Bring your portfolios/work/drafts to class to work on them. Return books to the library.
- Look through your portfolio. Remove any hand-written and homework assignments from it.
- Gather your fiction together, gather your poetry together, and gather your script drafts together.
- Print out any poem, script, or short story you wrote, but did not yet include in your portfolio.
Once you have done those three things:
- If you have it, take out and re-read your letter to "The Enemies of the Writing Process." How'd you do against your old enemy? Procrastinators: do not avoid this next step!
- Reflect on your progress as a writer this year. In a 3-4 page reflection (double spaced) reflect on your progress as a writer: what did you do well, what do you need more work or help on, what did you learn this year about crafting your work as art, and reflect on your overall growth that you feel you made this year. You may reference your English and Journalism classes as well if you'd like. If you participated in any extra curricular activities, reflect on these too(particularly how they helped or hindered your progress as a writer).
- Revise and craft your best work this year. This is your final 2015 draft. Change the heading of the pieces you are submitting as BEST CRAFTED WORK. You must include at least one poem, one short story, and one script, but you may choose several of your pieces for your final assessment.
- Use a separate manila folder for your best crafted work and your reflection essay. These will be scored and evaluated as your final exam and will be sent to Central Office as your post assessment for this class.
HOMEWORK: Bring your portfolios/work/drafts to class to work on them. Return books to the library.
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