Monday, December 6, 2010

God & Woody Allen Comedy Script

Today we will be reading the script God by Woody Allen.

When we have completed the play reading, please go back to your brainstorming notes.

Choose the best concept, human condition, or feeling (see previous post) and write a 10-minute play (about 6-10 pages) in script format. Your play can be any topic or style, but you should have a central theme that speaks to your chosen concept.


There are generally two different types of play script format. One is preferred over the other, although some literary managers will accept either.

Please link to this website for advice and examples of correct script formatting. You may also look at how the script is formatted in Woody Allen's book. This is also correct.

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About this course!

This course stresses understanding the characteristics & techniques in the literary genres of fiction, poetry, and dramatic writing. This course will continue to build on students’ reading and writing skills begun in previous creative writing classes. Readings and discussions of works by major writers in the field will be examined as inspiration and models of fine writing. This educational blog is designed for the use of the students at the School of the Arts in Rochester, NY.