See the previous post and from our handouts last class for details on this writing activity.
Use the time in the lab today to work on your interactive fiction.
Alternatively, you may go next door and play card games or stay in the lab and find things on the internet.
Thank you all for your participation in this class this year. Next year, we'll pick it up again with Playwriting/Film and Contemporary Writers. Have a great summer!
Portfolios and grades will be sent to you in the mail. Please realize that because some people did not read Martian Chronicles (or turn in a story draft based on the decade project) or complete a portfolio, the 6th marking period grade may be lower than Mr. Ludwig's grades for the 5th marking period. We didn't have many assignments to do this marking period, so if you missed these...uh oh.
All FINAL grades are an average of all 6 marking periods.
Good luck during finals week!
Use the time in the lab today to work on your interactive fiction.
Alternatively, you may go next door and play card games or stay in the lab and find things on the internet.
Thank you all for your participation in this class this year. Next year, we'll pick it up again with Playwriting/Film and Contemporary Writers. Have a great summer!
Portfolios and grades will be sent to you in the mail. Please realize that because some people did not read Martian Chronicles (or turn in a story draft based on the decade project) or complete a portfolio, the 6th marking period grade may be lower than Mr. Ludwig's grades for the 5th marking period. We didn't have many assignments to do this marking period, so if you missed these...uh oh.
All FINAL grades are an average of all 6 marking periods.
Good luck during finals week!